
On Saturday, 24 March 2024, Warsaw became the arena of sporting rivalry and running passion, hosting the 18th edition of the Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Half Marathon.

This event, which traditionally opens the spring running season in Poland, took on an extra dimension this year, also hosting the 33rd Polish half-marathon championships.

Vitarade®,as a Supporting Partner, made its presence felt in a way that will certainly be remembered by the participants. Vitarade® made a significant contribution to the organisation and running of this sporting event, underlining its commitment to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

Along the half-marathon route, runners had the opportunity to use two Vitarade® aid stations, strategically placed to provide them with the necessary energising support during the key moments of the race. With its focus on rapid energy delivery, the Vitarade® product range provided an excellent support for athletes, helping them to maintain optimal performance levels.

Vitarade® tent located in the marathon hospitality village, was a focal point for runners and supporters, offering not only a place to recover but also the opportunity to taste the brand’s products. With samples available, participants had the opportunity to experience the top quality and taste of Vitarade® products.

In addition, the Vitarade® Team brand representatives present at the start of the half-marathon, actively supporting the participants from the very first moments of the event, emphasised the community spirit of sport and healthy competition.